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There was a free/paid shell on this host but it was shutdown during fall 2018. Now yenn is a testbed for a brand new shiny breaking bad yenn-OS, which is in early 0.1-ALPHA stage.
YENN-OS are a bunch of modifications to NetBSD, which I developed during the years of being a user of this OS, and it's mostly about new FS layout, and a new (my) way of doing things right. It's mostly not about code modifications. It's like a patch to normal NetBSD installation.
The hardware still serves as home router to me. Now it runs NetBSD 10, with modifications which I call yenn-OS. The hardware was made mostly in 2007, so it's old, but is still giving enough computing power for my humble needs. Network is 100Mb ethernet. The switch is some no-name 100Mb hardware ethernet switch made in 2004. So… it's still all about the vintage hardware.